Password Generator

Generate strong passwords in batches with configurable password's length, lowercase, uppercase and characters.

Password Strength

A strong password is an important aspect of cybersecurity, as it helps to protect user accounts and sensitive information from unauthorized access. The strength of a password is generally determined by several factors:
  1. Length: The number of characters in the password. Longer passwords are typically stronger because they have more possible combinations, making them harder to guess or crack. A common recommendation is to use passwords that are at least 12 characters long.
  2. Complexity: The use of a mix of different character types, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters (such as !, @, #, $, %, etc.). A password that includes a variety of character types is harder to crack than one that uses only one type.
  3. Randomness: The use of random character sequences rather than logical or common patterns increases password strength. Random passwords are less susceptible to dictionary attacks and brute-force attacks.
  4. Uniqueness: Each account should have a unique password. Reusing passwords across multiple accounts can lead to a domino effect, where one compromised account can lead to others being compromised as well.

Password Strength Score

Here's a formula for scoring password strength:
  1. Length:
    13+  characters: +5 points
    9-12 characters: +3 points
    6-8  characters: +2 points
  2. Complexity:
    Uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols: +5 points
    Uppercase, lowercase, and numbers:          +3 points
    Uppercase and lowercase:                    +2 points
    Others:                                     +1 points
  3. Formula:
    Add up the points, the result is:
    0-5 points:   weak password
    6-8 points:   medium password
    9-10 points:  strong password